What is Together with Tenants?
We signed up as early adopters to the National Housing Federation’s (NHF) Together with Tenants campaign, which aims to strengthen the relationship between housing associations and their tenants and residents.
We want you to have a better experience when dealing with us and the ability to shape our services. The Together with Tenants approach will feed into the ways we are looking to improve your customer experience.
The Together with Tenants four-point plan
The Federation has drafted a four-point action and charter which explains the changes that we and other housing associations are considering making with the aim of creating a stronger, more balanced relationship with tenants and residents.
The four actions are:
- A new requirement in the National Housing Federation Code of Governance for boards to be accountable to their tenants and residents.
- A new Together with Tenants Charter.
- Tenant and resident oversight and reporting of progress against the Charter.
- Giving tenants and residents a stronger collective voice with the regulator.
You can read the full details here.
Meet the advisory panel
If you want to read more about how the campaign works you can visit the National Housing Federation’s dedicated page or read the FAQs below.
You can also get to know the advisory panel.
Together with Tenants FAQs
Find answers to your questions about the Together with Tenants campaign and what it means for you, from the National Housing Federation.
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