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Our safe accommodation and refuges
Stonewater has 20+ years’ experience delivering refuge, safe accommodation and community based domestic abuse services.
We offer refuges and safe accommodation across the country, comprising of Women and Children’s Refuges, LGBTQ+ Safe Space, a South Asian Women’s Refuge and dispersed accommodation to support those that are unable to access traditional refuges such as male survivors, those with pets and those facing multiple and complex disadvantage.
We currently provide services in Brighton and Hove, Swindon, Bedfordshire, Bedford, South Hampshire and Herefordshire.
Our refuges and Safe Spaces vary in size, style and set-up. They are homely, with dedicated recreation spaces, welcome packs, supplies and equipment.
Our support package includes:
- Sensitive, confidential and intensive support and advice
- Access to professional translation services if required
- Referrals and connections with other agencies and services that can support survivors in staying safe, including advice and assistance in securing accommodation, immigration support and advice, tackling substance use, and living with mental health
- Skills to enable and support each survivor to achieve their goals
- Support for developing independent living skills to empower survivors to make informed decisions about their future
- Space to talk about to fears, comments and opinions without judgement
- Support with financial issues and accessing grants and essential items
- Help to build confidence, self-esteem and wellbeing
- Child, young person and family support
- Groups and activities aimed at recovery, skills building, peer support and reducing isolation
Our refuges are staffed Monday to Friday, 8am till 6pm with an emergency out-of-hours on-call service available in each area.
Refer someone to a refuge
If you are a provider of professional support and services, you can refer someone to our dedicated refuges and Safe Spaces. If you are experiencing domestic abuse, you can also refer yourself.
Use the contact details below to make a referral or speak to our services confidentially.
- Brighton and Hove Refuge - brighton.refuge@stonewater.org
- Swindon LGBTQ+ Safe Space - safespace@stonewater.org
- South Asian Women’s Refuge - sawr@stonewater.org
- Butterfly House, Bedfordshire – house@stonewater.org
- South Hampshire Women’s Refuge - shwr@stonewater.org
- Hereford Dispersed – contact Herefordshire Homepoint on info@home-point.info
- Hereford Floating Support – herefordfs@stonewater.org
- Central Bedfordshire – north@stonewater.org or centralbeds.south@stonewater.org

Get support from our team
If you are a Stonewater customer experiencing domestic abuse, reach out to us. We can talk to you about your living situation, put you in touch with support organisations and more.
Reach out today