Find out more about asbestos containing materials (ACMs) and the register we hold.
Find out how you can stay safe at home and what Stonewater's responsibilities are to you as a customer.
Your safety is our top priority. Find out how you can keep your home and family safe and see Stonewater's responsibilities for looking after your home.
Use the links below to get the information you need.
If you have health and safety concerns which are not covered by the below information, please contact buildingsafety@stonewater.org
Stonewater’s Director of Building Safety and Compliance is Sarah Stevenson.
Report repairs, pay your rent, and much more with MyHome on the web or via the app. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Go to MyHomeLearn more about our rent review and where to go if you need support.
Learn how to protect your home with tips on frost damage prevention, burst pipes, pests, and more.
There are several different ways to find and apply for a home to rent.