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Protecting your family and belongings in a flood

There are steps you can take to keep your family and belongings safe in the event of a flood. Make sure to read the flood risk page to check your flood risk and see what to do if your home is flooded.

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Sign up for flood warnings

Sign up for flood warnings online or by calling the national floodline on 0345 988 1188. Flood warnings can be sent to you by phone, text and email.

There are 3 categories of warning:

  1. Flood alert
  2. Flood warning
  3. Severe flood warning

Flash flooding can be caused by severe weather so it is also a good idea to sign up for weather warnings.

Have a plan

Effective preparation can minimise the risks to your family and belongings. A flood plan can help you act quickly and make practical decisions in the event of a flood.

You can make a personal flood plan and should consider the below:

  • Keep a list of useful telephone numbers handy, for example for your relatives and friends and insurance company etc. Avoid keeping key contact numbers solely in your mobile phone.
  • Put important documents out of flood risk and protect with polythene or dry bags.
  • Think about what belongings you can move now upstairs or to a place of safety.
  • Identify what you would need to take with you if you had to leave your home.
  • Think about where you could move your car to, if you were able to safely, before flooding.
  • Talk about possible flooding with your family, or anyone who lives with you.
  • You and your family should agree how you will contact each other and where you will go in case you become separated during flooding.
  • Think about what would happen to your pets during flooding.

Prepare an emergency flood kit 

All of our circumstances are different but these are some of the things you may wish to consider including in your emergency flood kit:

  • Insurance documents and other important documents.
  • Insurance emergency helpline, local council and emergency services numbers, family & friend’s telephone numbers, local radio frequencies.
  • Torch
  • Batteries (not rechargeable)
  • Portable radio (windup preferable)
  • Mobile phone
  • First aid kit with essential prescription medication/repeat prescription form
  • Bottled water
  • Non-perishable food items, such as energy or cereal bars
  • Blankets and warm clothes
  • Wash kit and essential toiletries
  • Children’s essentials, such as nappies.
  • A disposable camera to record damage for insurance purposes
  • Emergency cash
  • Wellington boots, waterproof clothing and rubber gloves

Ensure you have adequate insurance

Stonewater does not insure the contents of your home and this is something that we advise all our customers to do.

Home contents insurance covers loss or damage to all things in your home which are not part of the structure or building. It is available widely from a number of sources including your bank.

National Housing Federation has teamed up with Thistle Tenant Risks and Ageas Insurance Limited to provide the My Home Contents Insurance Scheme - a specialist Tenants Contents Insurance policy. Find out more.

It is important that you take out a policy that provides sufficient cover to replace items in the event of theft, fire or flood. Not all policies are the same and some may have restrictions or clauses relating to flooding so it is important that you check your cover.

Some policies provide accidental damage cover as well as personal possession cover and some will have an excess which means you will need to pay a minimum amount each time you claim.

Check your drainage and guttering

Drains and guttering play a key role in channelling excess water away from your home.

Ensure that any outside drains are not blocked with furniture or planting and in the autumn ensure that they are kept clear of leaves and debris.

If you rent your property from us and any parts of your guttering have deteriorated or are broken please ensure that you report these for repair.

If you have a water butt connected to your guttering please ensure that this is not blocked.