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What are planned improvements?

Every year we plan which of our homes will receive replacement or improvement work to make sure your home is well maintained and in good condition. Planned improvements are different from the repairs you report to us when something isn’t right in your home.

If you have any immediate repairs, the easiest way to report your repair is via MyHome. You can access MyHome here or via the MyHome app. MyHome is available 24/7 and might save you some time if the phone lines are busy.

You can find out more about what repairs we cover, and what you’re responsible for in this section of our repairs guide. If, when you report something to us that we think is beyond repair, we’ll consider it for our planned maintenance programme.

How do we schedule planned improvements?

We prioritise our improvement work by using the data we have on our properties, what you’re telling us about your home, and the knowledge of our partners on the ground.

We aim to carry out surveys ahead of any planned works in your area so we can check the results, order any materials required and work with our contractors to plan our programme. We survey our customers’ home every five years to check the condition of things like your kitchen, bathroom, windows and more and we use this information to identify what work may need doing in the future. Once we have this information, we’ll be in touch to tell you what work is needed and when it will be carried out.

The information gathered during a survey will help us to continually improve our programme of planned works in line with the Government’s Decent Homes Standard. The Decent Home Standard plays a pivotal role in setting the minimum standard that your home is required to meet.

Types of planned improvements

Improvements may include:

  • Installing new kitchens and bathrooms
  • Replacing windows and doors
  • Replacing roofs and gutters
  • Making structural improvements  
  • Decorating communal areas and exteriors
  • Upgrading central heating systems e.g. boilers

As part of our objective of making sure that all our properties have an EPC rating of C or above by 2030, we’re also working on larger projects to improve the energy efficiency of our homes. Some of these projects may include improvements to your home or the surrounding areas such as lifts, lighting and communal areas.

What you can expect from us

If your home or surrounding area is part of our planned maintenance and improvement programme, we’ll be in touch to tell you how this affects you and if we need anything from you.

We aim to make sure we consult you at every stage and give you as much information as possible before the work begins.

If we’re planning to improve your home, we’ll contact you in advance and let you know what the plan is. If you’re a leaseholder, we have a legal obligation to discuss with you the scope of the works, the possible cost involved, the intended contractors, and to answer any queries or concerns you have about the proposed work.

Planned improvement FAQs

Who will be carrying out the works?

The contractor carrying out the work will contact you to give you further details about what they’ll be doing in your home, including appointment dates and how long the work will take to complete. They will also provide you with any relevant contact details.

Important: Our contractors and surveyors always carry an I.D card, which includes their photograph and company logo. If you’re in any doubt about the identity of a caller, do not let them in and call us immediately to confirm that they are who they say they are.

Do I have to agree to planned improvements?

It’s important to allow contractors access to your home in order to carry out the work to keep your home in a good condition. 

You may choose to refuse types of improvement work, such as a replacement kitchen or bathroom, unless it affects the safety of your home.

If you cancel the work but later decide you do want the work done, it might not be possible for us to schedule it into the same year’s programme.

How do I prepare for planned improvements?

To prepare for any work in your home, make sure you follow any instructions given to you by the contractor. For example, moving belongings out of your kitchen for a kitchen replacement.

Can I choose the design and colour of improvements?

Yes, you’ll be given choice of designs and colours for some elements such as kitchens, bathrooms, doors and sometimes communal or external areas.

Our contractors will be in touch with you to let you know what you're able to choose.

My neighbour has had work done to the inside of their property – will I also get home improvements?

You might not get the same work done as your neighbours, as it varies from property to property based on factors such as age and condition.

If something in your home needs to be repaired that isn’t scheduled to be replaced, you can report your repair to us. The easiest way to report your repair is via MyHome. You can access MyHome on the web or via the MyHome app.

What happens once planned works are completed?

On completion of the works at your home, we may inspect the improvement(s) to confirm that the work has been done to a satisfactory standard.

Once all the work has been completed, you will be asked to complete a short satisfaction survey called Rant & Rave. This feedback is important as it helps us to ensure you’re happy with the work that we have completed and highlight any areas where we need to improve our service.