Money matters
If you're struggling with debt, benefits, or other money matters, we're standing by to help.
Learn about our service charges, including what the different charges cover and how they work.
A service charge is the amount you pay (if applicable) for the delivery of services in communal areas.
This may include things like cleaning, lighting, secure door entry, grounds maintenance, and the cost of managing these. For some customers, it might also include things like heating the inside of your home if you do not have an individual supply.
The amount charged depends on the services provided to your home and wider scheme.
Check out our video and service charge guides below for more detailed information on how your service charges work.
Learn more about our rent review and where to go if you need support.
Learn how to protect your home with tips on frost damage prevention, burst pipes, pests, and more.
There are several different ways to find and apply for a home to rent.