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Reasonable adjustments

If you or someone in your household has a disability or long-term illness, you are entitled to reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010.

What are reasonable adjustments?

It’s really important that all of our customers are able to use our services. If you or someone in your household has a disability or long-term illness, you are entitled to reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010. 

This means, if you need us to deliver our services slightly differently to make sure you can access them, we will always try to accommodate this, so you aren’t disadvantaged in any way compared to other customers. 

We can also make adjustments to our services for other reasons related to your personal circumstances and support needs.

"Reasonable” means the adjustment is practical, achievable and effective.

Request a reasonable adjustment

To talk to us about reasonable adjustments, please get in touch. You can find lots of ways to contact us here.


What are some examples of reasonable adjustments?

We’ve included some examples below of reasonable adjustments we could make.

Reasonable adjustments vary from person to person, and what works for someone else might not work for you.

  • You find talking on the phone difficult due to a mental health condition and ask that we communicate by email instead.

  • You are partially sighted and ask that we post your letters in large print.

  • You have a learning disability and require communications in easy read format. You may also prefer someone else to speak to us on your behalf.

  • You have impaired mobility and need more time to get the door when contractors visit.

  • You aren't able to leave the house due to a disability so ask to join Customer Engagement events online.

  • You are immunocompromised and ask for your local Scheme Co-ordinator to wear a mask when they visit.
I need help but I don’t know what reasonable adjustment I need.

Please get in touch with us, and our helpful team can discuss ways we can support you.

What if I'm not disabled?

There are lots of ways customers might need to access our services differently whether or not they are disabled.

For instance, if someone in your family needs a copy of one of our guides in another language, we can arrange this.

Get in touch and our helpful team can discuss ways we can support you.

What if I need an adaptation to my home?

Check out our aids and adaptations guide for full details on how this works.