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£250m sustainability bond will help Stonewater cut carbon and build thousands more homes

Leading housing provider, Stonewater, has successfully issued a £250 million sustainability bond that will support its plans to deliver 6,250 homes by March 2024.

Date published: 06 September 2021

The sustainability bond, which is accredited to support environmental, social and governance aims (ESG), will also help meet other key targets and strategies to reduce net carbon emissions and support Stonewater’s social impact. Stonewater was named the third most sustainable housing association in the UK by Housing Digital in June 2021, which is testament to how sustainability is at the organisation’s core. 

Working alongside Guinness, Stonewater has also just been named by Homes England as one of the housing agency’s largest strategic partners. The two housing providers have been given further funding of circa £250m to build 4,180 high-quality, affordable homes by 2029. This is in addition to the £224m awarded to the strategic partnership by Homes England in 2018 to build 4,500 homes by 2025.

As well as supporting Stonewater’s development programme, the 15-year bond has re-established Stonewater’s presence in the public capital markets and was issued at 85 basis points over gilts (the cost of government debt), giving an all-in rate of 1.749%.

John Bruton, Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of Finance at Stonewater, said: “We are delighted to secure this new bond funding on such favourable terms. Despite the challenging backdrop of the pandemic, we have taken significant steps in the past 12 months to refine our financial approach and ensure our organisation continues to support customers and meet housing needs.

“In addition to being at the forefront in publishing a Sustainable Finance Framework aligned with United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, we have also launched our EMTN programme. This makes it more straightforward to raise funds and places us on a firm footing to work with our funding partners to deliver on our commitments to customers in the years to come.”

As part of its ambitious development plans, Stonewater aims to complete 1,500 homes a year from 2022/23. It is on track to achieve this, despite the recent disruption of COVID-19, with at least 1,000 new homes due to be finished in 2021/22 – almost double what it achieved last year.

The 34,255-home housing association is also investing in existing properties to ensure they remain safe and affordable for all customers. This includes social housing, Shared Ownership and specialist retirement and supported living accommodation.

Deal information:

Amount: £250m through Stonewater EMTN programme (EMTN programme is up to £1bn)

All-in cost: 1.749%

Bookrunners: NatWest Markets Plc, Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets plc and Barclays Bank PLC

Legal advice: Devonshires Solicitors LLP

Treasury advice: Rothschild & Co



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