Date published: 02 September 2021
This includes providing short-term accommodation for members of the LGBTQ+ community who are no longer able to live in their current home due to domestic abuse, hate crime, family breakdowns or discrimination.
Funded by the Longleigh Foundation, Stonewater’s LGBTQ+ Safe Space partners with local and specialist charities and organisations to ensure it provides the best possible support to help its customers take steps towards independence.
Maddie’s story
Maddie* and her three-year-old child moved into Stonewater’s Safe Space earlier this year to escape domestic abuse.
After four years of sobriety, Maddie relapsed after going through some difficulty. She was in need of additional support so she could regain stability.
Maddie said: “I never thought I’d move into a refuge. I didn’t really know what to expect - I was nervous to be honest. But I knew it would be safer than my previous home.
“When I arrived, I was partnered with my coach, Manon, and was instantly put in touch with a charity called Turning Point - to help with my rehabilitation.”
Over the last eight months, Maddie has received one-on-one coaching, attended specialist domestic abuse workshops, and is currently undertaking an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE’s) recovery toolkit.
“I call Manon and Kym (another coach at Safe Space) all the time,” Maddie said. “I have a face-to-face session every week, but the coaches are always available to listen when I’m feeling anxious.
“The support isn’t limited to just the session either, which is really comforting. People always say they are here if you want to talk, but at the Safe Space they really are.”
As well as getting support for herself, Maddie’s child also received support from their father – who was not the perpetrator of Maddie’s abuse.
“At the Safe Space, we’re near my child’s dad. This means he’s been able to see our child regularly - whilst I get back on my feet.”
Alongside regaining her self-confidence, Maddie has also been looking forward to the future.
“I’ve done a lot of thinking about where I’d be if it wasn’t for my child and the support I’ve received over the last year. I know more than anyone what it feels like to be alone and like there’s no turning back.
“I really want to help other people change their lives for the better, which is why I’ve applied for a role supporting young offenders.
“I’m only 24 but I’ve experienced a lot first-hand already and I really believe that sharing my journey with other people can help them overcome some of the challenges they may be facing and help them rebuild their lives.
“I felt low when I first moved into the Safe Space. I was constantly questioning myself and I felt like there was no hope for the future. But now, looking back, I can’t believe how much has changed.
“I’m so thankful to Manon and everyone at the Safe Space. For the first time, in a long time, I’m really excited about the future. And I can’t wait to find a permanent home for me and my child.”
For more information about Stonewater’s supported housing schemes or to make a referral please contact its specialist team on 01793 602170.
*To protect the identity of Stonewater’s customer, Maddie is a pseudonym.