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Stonewater helps colleagues become homeowners

The myOwnHome scheme has helped more than 30 colleagues to buy their own homes so far.

Date published: 07 November 2022

In October 2020, Stonewater launched myOwnHome as an employee benefit. Tim Buss, has recently taken the first step onto the property ladder through the scheme. He couldn’t be happier with his new home, and in this piece – he shares his story.  

“I started working at Stonewater in 2019, as part of its Supported Housing Relief team. Initially it was part time, working to cover absence and holidays. After a few months, I was offered a full-time job which I was hugely thankful for – I’m now a Specialist Coach.

“I was living in Spain for some years, and when I took the position at Stonewater – I hadn’t long returned. Unfortunately, things didn’t quite go to plan, so I ended up back living with my parents. I work from home a couple of days a week and working with my dad hoovering outside the door wasn’t ideal!

“I was discussing this with colleagues when they told me about the myOwnHome scheme. I hadn’t heard about it before, and when they told me about it, I assumed it would only be available to help people to buy a new-build by Stonewater – which could mean a long wait.

“I did some research and realised Stonewater would help me buy any home available. I still thought it was too good to be true, but I submitted my application and crossed my fingers. Coincidentally, at around the same time, my dad saw a property come onto the market that he thought might suit me (maybe he wanted to do the hoovering in peace!) and things started to move quickly from then on.

“I applied to the myOwnHome scheme on a Thursday, had it approved on the Friday, viewed the property my dad found on the Saturday, put an offer in on Monday and had it accepted on the Tuesday. Talking about it now - I can hardly believe it.

“It’s a great scheme and I feel very lucky. I’m now in a three-bedroom home that I couldn’t have dreamt of owning otherwise. I own 55% and Stonewater owns 45%. My rent payments are affordable, and I can buy a bigger share - or pay it off completely in the future if I can afford to. The repayments are reasonable too, which I’m very grateful for – especially with energy and food bills going up so much.

“I moved in towards the end of last year and couldn’t be happier. I have a front and back garden and can walk into the local town in 10 minutes. I have an easy commute to the office in Abingdon too. The three bedrooms mean I’ve got a room that’s a dedicated office as well as spare room for people to stay over.

“I think my friends and family were shocked when they saw the house I’d managed to buy through the scheme. There aren’t many employers that help you get a home of your own, but I think a happy workforce is a hard-working and loyal one. I feel like I never want to leave Stonewater now – although there would be no repercussions with the house if I did - which is good to know.

My mental health started to suffer when I left Spain, because of my situation. The myOwnHome scheme has helped me to feel like I’m back on track again, and not relying on anyone else. It’s incredible.”