Stonewater has been recognised as a Best Companies two-star workplace for the second consecutive year, reflecting 'outstanding' levels of engagement.

Best Companies accreditation is awarded to employers across the UK based on the views of colleagues across a range of areas, including things like learning and development, workplace culture and leadership.

Data from an annual employee engagement survey is used by Stonewater to ensure it is on the right track as an employer, to check how colleagues are feeling, and to drive improvements to make Stonewater an exceptional place to work.

Nicholas Harris, Chief Executive at Stonewater, said: "Retaining our two-star status in the current operating environment is a real boost, demonstrating we’re a great choice of employer which helps us retain and attract the best talent for the future.

"Against a backdrop of soaring prices, record-breaking double-digit rates of inflation and shortages of skilled labour across all sectors, it is a challenging time to maintain a motivated workforce in a not-for-profit organisation.

"With 84% of colleagues completing this year’s survey such high levels of engagement across the organisation demonstrate our colleagues' commitment to having their say and being part of making sure we continue to work together to be the best organisation we can.

"It’s a collective effort that represents the hard work and commitment of everyone but of particular note, our contact centre achieved a 'world class' three-star rating. No doubt supported by the way our teams collaborate, across the whole organisation, to serve our customers and deliver our vision of 'everyone having the opportunity to have a place that they can call home'."