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Date published: 22 June 2023

The sculpture is a tribute to those who lost their lives in World War 1.

The piece was commissioned by Stonewater for the Cripps Avenue development in the town of Peacehaven. The sculpture, 'Ascension of the Fallen', was created by local artist Rich Dean.

Peacehaven has strong connections with the armed forces, having originally been known as New Anzac-on-Sea, and renamed as Peacehaven towards the end of World War 1. It remains the only town in the United Kingdom to be named after peace.

The new sculpture was designed to provide a modern twist on the town’s links to the armed forces, and a long-lasting tribute to those who have lost their lives to war. Made of stainless steel and standing at over 7ft tall, the sculpture contains 1,000 poppies and includes a plaque with the words "remembering those who lost their lives during the first world war".

Rich said: "Being commissioned to create this sculpture an honour and having had friends and family that have served in our armed forces, made it very personal to me.

"The poppies in Ascension of the Fallen represent those who died during the conflict, flowing out and through the world to reach their final resting place. I hope the sculpture can help people see that the whole world suffers during war, no matter which country you are from, and that people should be proud of the men and women who protect them."

Naomi Mooney, Development Manager for Stonewater, added: "At Stonewater we provide more than just homes and have been commissioning local artists to create public art for our housing developments for over a decade now. Our Cripps Avenue site seemed the perfect place for our latest piece, with its links to the armed forces past and present."

Stonewater’s Cripps Avenue development has provided 40 new homes for the town, consisting of 31 houses and nine apartments, with the final residents moved in by April 2023.

In line with Stonewater’s aims to use sustainable building techniques and local suppliers, the site is completely made up of modular homes, constructed just three miles away in Newhaven by modular home manufacturer Boutique Modern, and craned into place.

Naomi added: "The fact that we’ve also sourced both the sculpture and the modular homes from a local artist and business respectively, whilst providing 40 high-quality sustainable homes, makes this a real site to celebrate for the Peacehaven community."

One new resident of the scheme said: "Modular homes of this quality are, in my opinion, a necessity to improve people's lives and mental well-being and to provide the foundation and security needed to create the perfect family home. I honestly can’t thank Stonewater and Boutique Modern enough for the amazing work that has been put into these homes."

The modular homes, in addition to being sustainable in their creation and transportation, will also provide residents with energy-efficient homes and help lower household bills.