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Date published: 27 April 2023

The Unlock Net Zero awards recognise those across the UK housing sector and supply chain that are progressing decarbonisation and net zero projects.

Stonewater has been shortlisted in the engagement campaign of the year category, which celebrates activities that have engaged customers in climate change work – whether altering behaviour, implementing carbon reducing activity or improving understanding of sustainability issues.

In 2021, Stonewater launched its Energy Campaign, which is a customer-focused project that aims to support residents with escalating energy expenses and reduce their carbon footprint. As part of the campaign, Stonewater launched the online Customer Energy Hub, which provides a digital resource to share further information on reducing bills and additional support.

Adam Masters, Assistant Director Environment and Sustainability at Stonewater, said: "The Customer Energy Hub has been a hugely popular resource for our customers, with 3,800 unique visitors accessing the site between its launch and March this year.

"We also created a suite of advice and support that helps customers learn how to help keep emissions down and reduce their carbon footprint. The campaign as a whole has saved over 1,250 tonnes of CO2 in 2021, with results for 2022 anticipated to be even higher."

Further activity took place across social media and the quarterly customer newsletter, which provided useful links, graphics and bite-sized animated videos.

Stonewater experts also hosted two Facebook Live sessions covering energy topics, which gave customers the chance to ask questions and get additional support.

The Unlock Net Zero award ceremony takes place on 27 June, and will form part of the Housing 2023 conference in Manchester. The night prior, Stonewater’s treasury team is also in the running at the Housing Heroes awards ceremony in the team of the year category.