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Local MP visits Southampton refuge

Dr Alan Whitehead MP visited the refuge in Southampton, set up Stonewater and partners in 2020.

Date published: 29 September 2023

The refuge provides support for some of the most marginalised and hardest to reach people across the city.

Dr Whitehead, who is the Labour MP for the Southampton Test constituency, as well as Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Net Zero, has been an MP since 1997, and was invited to see first-hand the support that the refuge offers.

As well as meeting some of the residents and support staff, who include three specialist supports coaches and a clinical psychologist, Dr Whitehead was also able to see and learn about a new gardening project completed at the refuge.

The gardening project was started to improve customers’ wellbeing, enhance the quality of their environment and promote a sense of pride in where they live and what they have created. Residents at the refuge have led on the project, transforming the garden into a relaxing and attractive space.

Those living at the refuge include women and children experiencing or at risk of domestic violence or abuse, individuals and families who are homeless, struggling to find or keep refuge accommodation due to mental health issues or substance misuse, and those in complex situations linked to safeguarding concerns.

Dr Alan Whitehead MP stood with staff from Southampton refuge
Dr Alan Whitehead MP with staff from the Southampton refuge

Following his visit, Dr Whitehead commented: “It was great to meet residents and staff members at this refuge in my constituency. The gardening project is a great example of the work that's being done to improve resident's wellbeing and make them feel more at home after the difficult circumstances they have faced.”

Wendy Griffiths, Operations Manager at Stonewater, added: “We’re pleased Dr Whitehead was able to come and meet our team and customers at the refuge, and particularly to see the gardening project that our customers have put so much energy and hard work into. We’re grateful for the support provided by our local supporters and partners, and it was great to have the opportunity to welcome one of them to our refuge and showcase this vital service that is a lifeline to so many.”

The Southampton refuge is a partnership between leading social housing provider Stonewater, who run a number of refuges across the country, and Southampton’s Integrated Commissioning Unit (Southampton City Council and NHS Southampton Clinical Commissioning Group).