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Fire escape planning
It’s important that you know and understand what to do if there is a fire in your home or your building.
Water safety
Legionella is a bacteria that can be found in water systems such as tanks and taps. See some of the steps that you can take to keep your water clean and safe.
Gas safety
Learn how to keep your home safe and how to report gas and carbon monoxide.
Health and safety at home
Find out how you can stay safe at home and what Stonewater's responsibilities are to you as a customer.
Money matters
If you're struggling with debt, benefits, or other money matters, we're standing by to help. We can refer to you to specialist organisations like the Longleigh Foundation.
Find a home
Find your perfect home to rent or buy with Stonewater. We also offer supported accommodation and retirement living schemes.
What do I need permission for?
If you rent your home with us, you might be wondering when you need to contact us for permission.