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Everything you need to know - from paying your rent, to booking repairs, to sharing feedback.
Whittle Court, Leamington Spa
Whittle Court is a retirement living scheme in Leamington Spa, managed by Stonewater. Find out more about this scheme, its facilities, and how to apply to live here.
Elm Fields Farm, Coventry
Stonewater is working with Countryside to deliver 150 new homes for affordable rent, social rent, Rent to Buy and Shared Ownership in the City of Coventry.
Inglewood, Paignton
We are developing 112 properties including 36 affordable rent, 38 Shared Ownership, 38 social rent.
Regency Grange, Myton Green
Stonewater is working in partnership with Vistry Homes to deliver 42 units for affordable rent, social rent, and Shared Ownership in Warwick.
Field Head Lane, Birstall
Stonewater will delivered 32 new homes for Rent to Buy and social rent comprising a mix of two- to three-bedroom homes in Birstall.
South Petherton Phase 2
Stonewater is working with Fisher and Dean to develop 17 affordable rent and 13 Rent to Buy homes in South Petherton, Somerset.
Bristowe Stock Transfer
08 October 2024
Bristowe (Fair Rent) Housing Association has completed a transfer of engagements of 79 homes in the Bristol area to the Stonewater Group.