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Anti-social behaviour

Here at Stonewater, we want to make sure our communities are safe and welcoming places to live. Learn more about ASB and how to report it.

What is anti-social behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is defined as behaviour that has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to another person.

Anti-social behaviour can take many forms. It can be a major cause of stress and anxiety and we are committed to supporting you if you are experiencing it.

We will always support you with the following types of anti-social behaviour:

  • Verbal abuse
  • Racial abuse
  • Domestic abuse
  • Violence and threats to life
  • Noise nuisance (when it meets the threshold for intervention)
  • Vandalism
  • Drug dealing
  • Arson
  • Safeguarding concerns (welfare)

Unfortunately, there are some cases where there’s nothing we can do:

  • Drug use in the home (smells)
  • Low-level noise nuisance (lifestyle)
  • Parking disagreements
  • Squabbles
  • Cultural/lifestyle differences

Understanding anti-social behaviour

Our guide covers what ASB is, when we can and can’t help, how to deal with disruptive neighbours, and links to additional support.

We encourage you to use our evidence log (which you can find in the next section) to record instances of anti-social behaviour.

Close-up of cracked glass

Recording evidence

Recording evidence of ASB is crucial in helping us to determine what’s happening in your case. It can also help us later on in the process, if your case needs to go to court.

Download our evidence log.

If you can record evidence using this log, then please share it with us when you email us (see next section).

Be the neighbour you'd want

Read our leaflet for guidance on how to foster good neighbourly relations and build stronger communities.

Download587.99 KB

Report anti-social behaviour

In an emergency or if you suspect a crime is being committed in your community, always call 999.

To report a non-emergency or non-criminal act of anti-social behaviour, you can:

Please include when the incident started and ended
Please describe the incident and where it happened.
E.g. spoken to the alleged perpetrator or reported the incident to the police